วันศุกร์ที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Monty Python - Mr. Hilter sketch (High Quality)

Follow me on Twitter: @ landlady JordansHeiress Hello, Mr and Mrs Johnson? Mr. Johnson right 'way. Yes Come hostess Well, 'Excuse me, do not shake hands, I'm just putting a bit' fat to cook the cat. Johnson Very nice. Now the owner must be tired, it's a long way from Coventry, is not it? Johnson Well, we expect the rule to five and a half hours and took us six hours and fifty minutes with 25 minutes stop at Frampton Cottrell, our legs, we onlyhad a half hour wait to get on the M5 at Droitwich. Owner Really? Johnson has made three miles queue just before Bridgewater on the A38. We usually come round on the B3339 just before Bridgewater, you see ... Owner Really? Johnson Ye but this time we decided to risk it, because they always say, plan to expand it there. Are you the owner? Yes Johnson only from the intersection, where the A372 to join, there is much room for it to expand there, there are onlyGreen stripes. Were six feet ... reduce the hospital ... Then we took the coast road through Williton Taunton got all traffic on the A358 from Crowcombe and Stogumber ... Now you have to be hostess for a cup of tea to die. Johnson Well, I would not say no, not when it is hot and humid. Be 'Come into the hall hostess, I will serve afternoon tea. Johnson (later in his beautiful room) Great. Sitting in the living room another couple civil Mr. and Mrs....


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