วันจันทร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Robert de Niro's Amazing Acceptance Speech [Golden Globes 2011]

"I was very, very moved and gratified when you made the announcement [of the DeMille Award] two months ago, before you had a chance to review 'Little Fockers'," "It's OK; we all have our jobs to do. And the important thing is we're all in this together -- the filmmakers who make the movies, and the members of the Hollywood Foreign Press who in turn pose for pictures with the movie stars," "More Hollywood Foreign Press members would have been here, but they were deported just before the show. Along with most of the waiters. And Javier Bardem. And I hope you all have your papers in order, because Homeland Security will be checking them right after they finish full-body scans of Megan Fox," "At a certain point you just have to let both of them [children and movies] go and hope for the best. It's up to the audiences to decide if it's entertainment, the critics to decide if it's good, and ultimately posterity to decide if it's art,"


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